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  1.  Stakeholder Analysis and Financial Modelling Services in Sub-Saharan Africa (Central African Republic, South Africa, Western Sahara) and South-East Asia (Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Timor-Leste, Indonesia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam) (Reference of the Tender Bid Document: RFP/2024/50784.) (UNOPS)

  2. NGO Financial Management Capacity Building’’ Grant Opportunity Number SFOP0010179 with Opportunity Package ID PKG00284364. (USAID)

  3. USAID Market Sanitation Activity (USAID)

  4. PROPOSAL FOR THE FUNDING OPPORTUNITY SFOP0010331 / DRL - Addressing Gender Based Violence in Kosovo through the US 




  1. PSEA Health Projects.

  2. Review the risks analysis research study methodologies and the data collections instruments for both the key informant questionnaire and the focus group questionnaires.

  3. ​Data Analysis Work for the article titled ‘’Prevalence Rates, Trends and Disparities in IntimatePartner Violence: POWER OF DATA IN THE IPV GEO SPATIAL DASHBOARD’’ (Published).

  4. WCARO Cross Border on Female Genital Mutilation and Child Mariage Research Study.

  5. Effectiveness of Collaboration with NGOs and Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) for theElimination of Female Genital Mutilation: Assessment of Implementation Approaches andLessons Learned. (Phase 1&2) 

  6. Article co-writings:     a- ‘‘Analysis on GBV, FGM, child marriage and early pregnancy in communities based onthe "New-Deal" initiative and the exploratory study on the prevention of GBV in Senegal’’. b- How to strengthen the enforcement of laws criminalizing the practice of FGM: the caseof Burkina Faso, a success story.  c- A Descriptive Report and Associated Risk Factors of the Relationship between FemaleGenital Mutilation, Child Marriage and Intimate Partner Violence: An Analysis of the Interlinkage between Gender-Based Violence.

  7. Support the work of Evidence Knowledge Policy Unit of UNFPA/WCARO on Small AreasEstimation Projects and Mixed Migration Projects

  8. Been part of the UNFPA Advisory and Contributing writers, I wrote pieces of information dataanalysis works in the Regional Programme Cycle Report to show case the Three TransformativesResults in West and Central Africa Countries under the title ‘’Strengthening Resilience for SexualReproductive Health’’ (Published)

  9. Proposal Writing on two winning projects on Resilience and Tech-camp & Disinformation programme, that was awarded by the
    USA government.

  10. Conducted the E-Local Content Project, Accra-Ghana. 

  11. Trained professionals on M&E, Research and Statistical Packages

  12. Provided Consulting to institutions needs (Arizona University Hunger Research Project Benin)

  13. Provided Consulting on Hunger Research Project, Ghana (RIPS) 

  14. Provided Consulting by Developing advocacy document for INSEED – Togo, based on their National Strategy for Statistical
    Development (NSSD II). via another consulting firm.

  15. ​Network and Systems Operationalized for the whole University of Ghana, Legon Campus Network for more than 2000 users

  16. Pan-African E-Network Project

  17. UG, ICDE, Chinese Revamping network engineering and distance education platform project.

  18. CCTV Project Achieved.

  19. Digital Library Resource Programme (DRLP)

  20. Ghana HIV& AIDS Behavioral Surveillance Survey Research Project

  21. Sierra Leone HIV/AIDS Sero-Prevalence Survey, Research Project.

  22. Prevalence Rates, Trends and Disparities in Intimate Partner Violence: POWER OF​



23. Questioning the negative impact of deeply ingrained harmful traditional practices ( mful-traditional-practices )

24. 2018-2021 - Programme cycle report-5Sep2022 (


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